• K8·凯发(中国)天生赢家·一触即发


    发表于:2024-11-13 来源:半导体产业网 编辑:






    Silvaco(纳斯达克代码: SVCO)于1984年在美国硅谷成立,是全球领先的 TCAD、EDA 和 SIP 供应商,致力于通过软件和创新推动半导体设计和人工智能发展。公司拥有从原子级到系统级的完整解决方案:从影响半导体器件的材料行为模拟,到晶体管级电路的设计和分析,再到为 SoC 设计提供 IP 核。公司产品和服务已应用于多个行业,包括显示面板、功率器件、汽车、存储器、高性能计算机、光子、物联网和 5G/6G 通讯中的复杂 SoC 设计。Silvaco 总部位于美国加州圣克拉拉,在北美、欧洲和亚洲均设有分公司,中国区域总部位于上海浦东张江。

    Silvaco is a provider of software solutions for semiconductor design, including TCAD, EDA software, and SIP solutions that enable semiconductor design and AI through software and innovation. The company’s innovative software and IP is used in the development of complex semiconductor manufacturing and SoC designs across a variety of market segments, including display, power devices, automotive, memory, high-performance computing, photonics, IoT, and 5G/6G mobile markets. We offer a wide range of solutions as well as support for engineers and researchers worldwide. Our expertise covers a broad range of semiconductor design, from simulating devices at the atomic level to designing and analyzing transistor-level circuits and providing semiconductor IP blocks and creation tools for advanced SoC designs. 


    Silvaco Victory TCAD解决方案助力碳化硅、氮化镓和硅基功率器件快速开发,为了满足汽车、5G、工业、消费电子、高性能计算、航空航天和国防市场对功率器件的需求,基于碳化硅 (SiC)、氮化镓 (GaN)和硅基材料的宽禁带半导体正在快速推动功率器件的发展。

    Wide-bandgap semiconductors based on Silicon Carbide (SiC), Gallium Nitride (GaN), and Silicon are driving a rapid transition in Power Devices to meet the requirements of Automotive, 5G, Industrial, Consumer, High Performance Computing, Aerospace and Defense markets.



    Silvaco TCAD driven power device development and modeling solutions are key to dramatically reducing development time and costs, while accelerating time to market. This exploration builds qualitative and then quantitative understanding of the target power device under development. Iterative simulation then allows engineers to optimize device performance and operating parameters dramatically reducing the time and costs needed to reach volume production. 



